Saturday, January 31, 2009

Valentine Cards

Look what was in my mail box yesterday, an envelope with 20 cute little Valentine cards. They are from my friend Lorraine. She thought I could put them to good use and I did not want to let her down. I have a few little girls that I want to send cards to, so Friday morning I plugged in my glue gun and went to work.
I forgot that I bought these huge tags last summer, I found them in the back of my closet. I love finding things.

A few cut out hearts, carefully positioned words, buttons, glitter and three cards were completed. I know that little girls love bright colors and glitter, so I went all out. I have one more card to make, it is for a little boy. I find his card a bit of a challenge. I will have to put my thinking cap on for this.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Fleur -de -Lis

I know, another post about coasters. But this is what I had in mind when I thought of making coasters for gifts. A simple coaster that everyone would like. The words on the background paper are in English, I think I will look for paper with French words. I guess I should be able to find some paper on the Internet.

I did a little research on fleur -de- lis. The English translation of "fleur-de-lis" is "flower of the lily." This symbol, depicting a stylized lily or lotus flower, has many meanings. Traditionally, it has been used to represent French royalty, and is said to signify perfection, light, and life. I am not sure why I like the fleur -de- lis symbol so much. My ancestors were from France, maybe that is why. However, I am quite sure that I am not related to French royalty, or maybe I am. Bonjour!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Time for a Change

I am doing a little redecorating in this room, that was once called "The Toy Room". A small room that not so many years ago kept all the toys my daughters shared neat and tidy. Who am I kidding, the toys were all over the place! I use to lean more towards the country style of decorating. Maybe it was more clutter than country! Now, I just want a comfortable house with big comfy couches and chairs. This room always seemed to be the one that lamps, tables and pillows went, when they should of been tossed. I have a problem letting things go, but I am getting better. At least I am trying! I want to replace the two pictures with one larger picture or maybe a mirror. I just bought the leather ottoman, the top opens for storage. I love that! There is a desk top computer and a few other things that need to be curbside for trash pick up on Monday.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Two Year Planner

On my weekly trip to Michael's I bought a few two year planners. I thought they would be cute covered in a little paper. I have a few birthdays next month, so I thought it would be nice to make a little notebook to match.
I had some left over fabric from a pillow I made, so why not sew a little pouch that would keep the planner and notepad together. I want to get a pen to put in the pouch. I think I could use one, I want to be more organized this year!

So, this is what I was up to last weekend. There is snow in the forecast for Wednesday so I see a little sewing in my future. I have a few pillows to make. I also have to make a few more papered martini glasses. Let's just say I have a few unfinished projects that need a little attention.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Owl Tile

I bought a few more tiles Friday. This one is larger than the tiles I posted on Saturday. It measures 6" x 6". I didn't know what I was going to do with it . Just put it with the rest of my to do projects. Thursday night my niece called me and said that she made a little cafe for her daughters. They love to play restaurant. They also love owls, so this could be cute for their cafe. So Stacy, this is for you and the girls.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


This is a Christmas project that I actually just made last night. I wanted to make them for presents, but I never got to it. I bought plain old tiles at Lowes, cut out a few birds and flowers and with the help of a small container of Mod Podge I now have a set of four coasters.

This is a practice set. I want to use them and make sure that they will not get ruined if they should get wet. They would look cute wrapped up in a piece of ribbon. I also thought I might cover a box and put a little shredded paper in the bottom of the box and place the coasters on top.

I have a lot of ideas for different coasters. I hope they make it through the stressful testing I have in store for them!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Card Holder

While searching for Valentine crafts I came across a cute idea, a Valentine card holder. It was a large heart about 10 inches, actually two hearts. One heart was cut in half and when glued to the full heart, made a pocket that could hold Valentine cards. This picture doesn't really show the pocket. The pocket is underneath the cream colored trim. I should of put a few cards in it! I plan to make another one or maybe two. I will post a picture with one full of cards!

I really liked adding all the little what- nots and do -dads to the heart. There is a fine line between too much and just right. I may have crossed the line, but I am sure I didn't break any laws doing so.

I didn't have any ribbon that was wide enough, so I folded pages from a book (shocking I know!), cut a decorative edge, punched a few holes and added white glitter. I love this off white trim, I may have to buy a few more yards next time I am a Jo Ann's.

There was just enough room here to add a bird.

Why not add one more thing? A heart on a clothespin couldn't hurt.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I did make a few things today while watching all the festivities in Washington D.C. Nothing big, a few cards. The front of this card is made like a pocket. I have been seeing a lot of cards made like this. I made a gift card holder to slip inside the pocket. I am not that happy with my picture taking, the card looks like it is just laying there. Well, it is. I am going to try a little harder to make my cards look alive. I am going to work on that!

I do not know what kind of gift card will go inside this little holder. First, I will have to decide who will receive the card. Ummm?

I was not too sure about this card half way through making it. I have noticed that in a lot of the Valentine paper creations I am seeing, that more is better. So, I loaded it up and added a lot of glitter and what do you know? I have a keeper. That's good because, it took a while to create.

I wanted to share a picture of a snow covered wreath on a small shed on my deck. The shed keeps all my gardening tools and pots protected . I should of taken the wreath inside but, too late now. I will just put a new bow on the wreath in the spring and it will be just fine.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Watching and Creating

I have been watching television since 8 AM. I have had a cup of coffee with a homemade cranberry,orange and white chocolate biscotti. I made the biscottis yesterday, they were very easy! I wanted something special for my breakfast today. I have also planned a fantastic lunch. I am going to make pasta with grilled vegetables. I have watched every Presidential Inauguration since 1981. It doesn't matter to me which party is in or out, I just like the day. I love American history. So, I will watch television and hopefully make a few Valentine cards. Please ignore the post date, I looked for the picture on Saturday and forgot to change the date. It is January 20, 2009.

Martini Glasses

I have owned a book by Anna Corba for over a year now. It is full of so many great ideas on how to use paper. Most of the ideas use pages from books, I love that. I take it out once in a while to look at, but I have never made anything from it, until last night. I bought two martini glasses at Pier One for $2 each. Believe it or not the glasses at The Dollar Store were too fancy! So a few pages from a book, Mod Podge, pretty trim and black paint and I have finished two martini glasses.
I filled mine with candy, but how cute would they be in the bathroom with soaps? I already gave the red pom pom trimmed glass away today, filled with some Kisses of course. I am now down to one glass. So this week I will be back at Pier One to but two more. I think they will look better as a group rather than just one.

Please take a few Kisses. I made sure I found the kind that are fat and calorie free! So please, take a handful!

I am going to try and make at least one thing a week from this book. I love everything in it. It is time to get off the couch, stop cleaning and be creative! I will also give up making supper, food shopping and put of cleaning the basement! I know these are big sacrifices, but I am willing to do this. A girl has got to do, what a girl has got to do!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Lucky Crafter

Jo Ann's was having quite a good sale yesterday, 40% off all my favorite things. As it turned out I did not buy anything that was 40% off. But, I did buy this little notepad that was marked down to 50 cents. It is smaller than it appears, 4 1/2 " x 3 ". Small enough for a quick little project. I made it while making super, macaroni and meatballs.
I tried to get the price tags a little clearer, it is a dark day here, it is snowing. Not much I can do to increase the light, without moving lamps and then I would probably start rearranging furniture. $2.97 for 50 sheets of paper, heavy card stock paper. $1.97 for 24 sheets of tags, letters, words, flowers and frames. These were no brainers, they had to come home with me.

I consider myself a lucky crafter. I live about 20 minutes from three craft stores, Michael's, AC Moore and Jo Ann's. They are located within less than five minutes from each other. I wonder how long they will all stay open? I usually shop at Jo Ann's because they have fabric. They also have a great paper selection too. I have never been to a Hobby Lobby, I am not sure if there is even one in New England. I will have to do some investigating, that means a google search.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Pink Box

Over the weekend I made this Valentine box. It is made from a little paper box that I painted a pretty shade of pink. I painted a few Popsicles/craft sticks the same color. Then I dry brushed a little white over the pink and then added some pink glitter. I noticed while searching for Valentine ideas that there were a few ideas using craft sticks. I like the homemade look of Valentines. I guess you could say vintage. Something you could of made in school for your Mom.
The couple image is just perfect for Valentine's Day. A few cut out hearts, flowers, beads and the box is ready to fill with a few Valentine treats. I bought the heart shaped cards at "The Dollar" store, how cute. I must say the thought of actually using them to play a few card games never entered my mind. I know they will be used for paper crafts. I am just not sure how they will be used.
I wanted to show you that there really is a box under all those sticks. I used a paint pen for a little detailing. Then I noticed that I only put one coat of paint, it needs two. Oh well, that is easily fixed.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Enter something New

To some you see a diffuser, to me, a blank canvas. So, with a few pieces of paper, a bit of glue, a button and a little time and I still have a diffuser! No miracle here, just a little creative fun.

I love burning candles, who doesn't? For as long as I can remember (20 years or so) on Christmas morning I received a basket full of candles. They would come in all shapes, scents and sizes. Three years ago, enter something new. A diffuser was in the basket. When I took the new diffuser out of the box the other night I noticed it could use.............paper!

I do like using pages from old books in a lot of things I do. They make great backgrounds.

Note to self, when in doubt use a heart with a button for a little something extra!

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Welcome to my lazy Thursday afternoon. I bought a few books the other day using a gift card from Barnes and Noble. I love to go to Barnes and Noble and look at all the books and other irresistible things they have to offer. There is a small Starbucks too, so it is like one stop shopping! I also have become a big fan of Hallmark magazine. These two books were given the Hallmark seal of approval. The book title that you can not see is "The Lost Recipe for Happiness". I am reading that one right now, so far, so good.
I thought I would make a bookmark, instead of folding over the corner as I usually do. I put together something quick, using the papers that were on the counter. I could easily get lost in paper crafting if I started taking out everything . I still have to take my trees down! I just love the way they look at night, but they will be gone tomorrow. I was not even thinking about Valentine's Day when I added the red heart, it just added a punch of color to the bookmark.

The other day I came to the conclusion that winter is here to stay. I may want spring to be just around the corner, but the fact is it isn't. I have decided not to wish away the long, dark, dreary, cold, bitter days of winter. A nice cup of tea with whipped cream and cinnamon is something I do enjoy about winter. I can not see myself wanting one in the summer. So there, I found something to like about winter! A major break through!

My favorite tea, really the only tea I like is Chai. I like it hot or cold!

I am off to read a few pages and enjoy my cup of tea. I do use a cup and saucer for my tea. I think I am worth it, and I can put a few cookies on the saucer! Not today though, I ate a few too many chocolate covered clementines. I made a few more yesterday. Please, give them a try.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Mitten Garland

On New Year's Day, it hit me. The Christmas season is over, what am I going to blog about now? I thought, this might be the end of my blogging. Can I really post about the Christmas ornaments I didn't finish? I have since decided yes, on that. I have a few more to finish and I may just post them! I came to the conclusion, I was done, finished. I didn't think I could make one more cute thing. Well, at least I could visit my favorite blogs. So I began reading and some had already moved on to Valentine's Day! How could I have forgotten about Valentine's Day.

I started to google Valentine's Day images, there are many. I began to realize, I may just be back in the blogging business! I found a cute mitten garland that I just had to make. I guess it was in the Valentine images because it had a heart in the middle of the mitten. It is from the blog "Two Straight Lines". It was posted February 20, 2007. Her garland was all mittens. I knew I had to make one. I could not just copy hers, I would have to give it a little twist. I decided to put a star in the middle and put cuffs on the mittens. I distressed it a bit, added some glitter and a few buttons. I would of never come up with the idea of using mittens for a garland, so I would like to thank a fellow blogger for inspiring me.

I took down my Christmas Joy garland and replaced it with the mittens. It should stay up for a while. I left all the snowmen on the window sill. They will be there for a little while longer. I worked too hard on them to just put them away just yet.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Chocolate Covered Clementines

We received chocolate covered clementines as a gift this Christmas. My husband's secretary made them along with chocolate covered pretzels and marshmallows. They were all outstanding, but the clementines were exceptional. The clementines she made were covered completely in chocolate. I had a few minutes today, so I thought I would make a few. I wanted to show you that they were clementines, so I only dipped half. I like the way they look. They are very pretty and so easy to do.

I wish you could all have a few pieces. They are not too sweet, just right! I am thinking that I may make them for Valentine's Day.

I bought these cute little toothpicks last year. I put them away and I forgot to use them this Christmas. Maybe, they are too cute to use! There is always next year!