Saturday, February 28, 2009


I worked on the napkins for a while on Friday night. It may take a while to complete all four but I am not in any rush. They may turn out too pretty to use. But that will fine with me. I am enjoying seeing the flowers bloom before my eyes. That is a good thing because I think we are still months away from any flowers blooming outdoors.
Thanks for visiting.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Keeping Busy

I bought these pretty green napkins at Walmart last week. I knew I wanted to add a little something to them, but I wasn't quite sure what. I also wanted something creative to do while watching television. Still only 24 hours in a day.

I am sure that I am not alone when I say that I usually run out of steam after fixing supper, washing the dishes and doing whatever else has to be done for the next day. That usually means I am finally finished in the kitchen about 7:30. So, embroidery is something I can do while watching television. It is not that I want to watch television, but it is dark and cold outside! I just do not have too many other options! I am usually happy to be sitting around 8 o'clock, in the evening I just wish it was outside on my porch swing with an nice cold beverage.

My grandmother liked to do a lot of embroidering. I know I get my love for needlework and detail from her. I remember as a young girl always showing her what I was making. It all started with hand sewing clothes for my Barbies! How funny is that? I have had a very busy week and have been neglecting many of my favorite blogs. Hopefully, tonight I will find sometime to visit. As you can see in the pictures, I do not have an embroidery hoop. I will have to start this project tomorrow.
Thanks for visiting!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Finishing Touches

I finished all my pillows and made a few little extra things for my bedroom.
This pillow sits on a chair in my living room. It adds just the right pop of color to a chair that I don't want to part with just yet.
This pillow is in my bedroom. We have had this chair for 25 years, that is just crazy. It was a pretty blue and red plaid at one time. A few years ago I decided to try and recover it. That is how it found its way to my bedroom. Let's just say the job is less than professional.

I had left over fabric so I made a bureau scarf.

Last but not least, our bedside tables are beginning to show their age. But, I still like them so I made two heart shaped scarfs for them. The room really looks good. I thought with the walls being a light green and using red fabric for added touches that it would take on a Christmas feel, but it didn't. I think using the dark brown fabric and having dark brown floors helped. The next project will be...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Bed Pillows

I started making new pillows for my bed last week. How many pillows are too many? Are there ever really enough pillows? Right now, I have seven pillows on my bed. I made this cute little bird pillow today. I want to make a few more, my daughter already put a request in for one.

The two printed pillows were made last week.

I can see an owl pillow in my future. Maybe a heart pillow. Maybe a flower pillow. I bought more fabric today for another project that I am really excited about. This is what happens to me. I need to focus on finishing my pillows, then I can move on to the next project! I may have to repeat that three times.
Thanks for visiting.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


The love of being creative is something I share with my oldest daughter. She is a graphic designer and works in New York City. I am in a creative rut, so let me be a proud parent and show you some of her recent work.
We both love clothes, she gets to wear pretty designer items and I usually wear jeans everyday. Another reason that I am looking forward to springtime, I love summer clothes and sandals!

I could see myself wearing this pretty yellow shirt, the bird skirt, not so much.

I really love this picture. I have said before that I love hats. I have yet to find one that looks good on me. Thanks for visiting.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Birthday

My daughter turns 21 today! Yikes! I am making a pumpkin cake and as it bakes I thought I would make her a birthday card. Now, I have to pick up paper and flour from the counter! I am still not quite back into crafting. I am going through my house and getting rid of so many things that I just don't need. I have a few ideas on where to make myself a craft area so I don not use the kitchen counter. The problem with the counter is, that is big. So, big counter, big mess! I mean big mess! Hopefully, by the end of this week I will be able to show you my new space!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day! I am still in my, I can not believe it is still winter mood. There has been an improvement though, I only had to wash my floor once this week. The snow is almost gone! I have a few ideas for new projects, I hope to start them next week. Last week a few people asked me if I sell my, for lack of a better word creations. I know that I have said in the past that I want to start putting my creations on Etsy . But I think I might start posting a few things right here on my site and see how that goes. I am going to put my nose to the grindstone and get a few things done this week. I need a plan and I need to stick to it. Again, Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Owl Key Chains

I spent Saturday afternoon making a few owl key chains. I made four in all but these are the two that I like best. They were inspired by an owl ornament that my daughter got for a Christmas present. I definitely want to make a few more. I am thinking maybe a few birds or heart shaped key chains would be cute too.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Red Primrose

Earlier today I felt a little blue. The winter can do that to me, I am sure I am not alone in this. So,I started doing my usual morning routine. Maybe, it is the constant washing of my floor that is making me cranky. Throw a load of clothes in the washer. Do the few dishes in the sink. I am getting crankier. I put down the mop, actually it is a Swifter, I do not usually have one good thing to say about a cleaning product but, I love my Swifter! I plug in my glue gun and decided to paper the clay pot I bought yesterday.

I start to feel much better! I love to make things! Is there anything wrong with that? I love paper, felt, buttons, fabric, ribbons and I could not live without my glue gun! The floor is getting washed. It is not an option. But I guess my crafting isn't an option either. It's what I do.

I bought the flower at Lowe's yesterday. It was so pretty I had to buy it! Red flowers are my favorite! How could I not believe that spring is coming when I see this plant everyday.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Full of Hearts

Again, it is snowing in Rhode Island and no matter how many lights I put on, these pictures are dark. I am still using the heart shaped playing cards I bought at the $1 store to make Valentine creations. This was the last project I wanted to make for Valentine's Day. I am glad I did, I really like it.
A few years ago "Country Home" had a banner like this one in their magazine. I never thought that I would find heart shaped cards, but I cut out the picture and put it in a folder, with all the other must do projects. I like cutting out shapes, but I can not see myself cutting out 20 hearts.

Notice the light on the eight of hearts, I am holding a lamp in my left hand while shooting the picture with my right. I was determined to get these pictures posted today.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Valentine's Day

Just a little Valentine display. I made a few snowman painted pots for Christmas gifts last year. Thanks again, to Cathy at Cobblestone Farms for sharing the idea with us. My father really liked his, was it the pot or the homemade candy that I put inside? It was the pot, he said so. I painted two more to fill with Valentine treats, one for my parents and one for my niece's family.
I am not sure what I am going to do with the Popsicle stick boxes I made, but they do make a cute little display so maybe I will just keep all three for myself. A little greedy on my part, but I can deal with that.

I just have to finish making a few cards and I will be done with Valentine's Day creations. It is time to move on to something new. I really have to start concentrating on things for my house. It needs a little fluffing. I have a few ideas. I also want to get a head start on making things for outside. I want to be ready for spring. It is still coming, isn't it?