Thursday, March 20, 2008

Paper Eggs

I had allot of fun yesterday making these paper covered eggs. Torn pieces of paper cover plastic eggs that can be found anywhere at Easter time. I found this idea at she is very creative and nice enough to share great step by step directions. It is a very easy project. also shared her pretty paper eggs on her blogsite. I wish Easter was a bit later this year I would love to make more for gifts.


  1. Very nice. Don't you love the act of making pretty things. I get so much pleasure from being creative.

    You might like this site also. She has a link to an episode on Martha Stewart where she gives instructions on how to make her cute dolls. The pattern and instructions are located there also.

  2. Denise, The eggs are so nice. They look so perfessional. Your Easter company will think you went above and beyond your decorating for them. They really are pretty.

  3. im digging these eggs. i like the sparkles. happy easter!

  4. Glad to hear you like the eggs. It is nice to know you are checking out the blog. Happy Easter to you and your family.

  5. Your eggs turned out so well! Thanks for mentioning my blog. I also wish I had more time to make more eggs. At least I'll have a project for next year.
