Thursday, April 17, 2008

It is all in the Barrel

I did a little planting today. I filled two whiskey barrels with flowers that should be able to make it through some cool nights. The colors are so vibrant. I tend to lean towards red, yellow and purple flowers. Whiskey barrels are my favorite containers. They really withstand the cold winters we have in the north east. Last year I needed to put rocks in the dirt to hold up some plants that were drooping. This year I left them in just because I thought they looked good. There are four candle holders, the red ones are rather tall and did not fit in the picture. I love sitting out on the deck at night and lighting the candles. Look closely and you can see blue stones that I threw in just for fun.


  1. The flowers look good.I like the blue rocks it gives it the beachie look.I do not know if that is a word but it sounds good.

  2. The beachy look is what I was going for. Now if I could just remember where I bought the rocks I would go and buy a few more bags.

  3. Denise, your garden and home are to die for! I feel honored you complimented mine. I know gardens up north are just now coming to life and I just wanted to share what is already blooming, each day in mine. As you can see I've not laid down my mulch yet. I wish I had some whiskey barrels, yours is darlin'. I do have a whiskey barrel fountain that I have tiny goldfish in. Can't wait to see more of your garden. Hugs, RoseMarie

  4. Denise,
    Love your flowers in the whiskey barrel...I love the barrel. I love your blog and I will visit more often. I am a friend of Rose(Sugarplum Cottage). We are seeing more flowers will soon see more up there. Spring is here! Have a Great Day!

  5. I love the blue stones. Are all those photos on your left sidebar of your garden/yard? Beautiful!! Blessings... Polly

  6. thats a nice picture, the colors look reallllly vibrant. good photography skills!

    im supposed to be studyingggg

    <3 danielle

  7. The photos on the side bar are not of my yard. I wish....soon I will have more flowers blooming, but nothing like that I can assure you.

  8. Hi Denise! Thanks for visting my blog and what a delight to visit yours! So refreshing!!! I have added you to my favorites! Have a wonderful day and see ya soon! Maryjane

  9. Hi! I just discovered your blog. I love your barrel planter. Red, yellow and purples are the same colors of flowers I plant! My sister lives in Rhode Island - Jamestown. I love your state. When you have time, come and visit me at my blog...

  10. Where do you find the time? The flowers look pretty. I did notice the rocks you added......I like the color!


  11. Oh, your deck sounds great with candles for after dark lounging. When I was young we had a front porch that we sat out on almost every night. I would love to have some place like that now.
    ps. the blue rocks are a nice touch.

  12. I am so jealous of all you wonderful ladies who have flowers blooming in your gardens already. It's just beginning to get a little green here in MA. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the sun stays out and the plants begin reaching for the sky.

    Winter is over yippeeeeeeeeeeee.

    Love your flowers in the bucket.

