Thursday, May 1, 2008

I have been tagged

I have been tagged to list seven randon things about me. Yikes! Here I go.

1. I read a lot of fashion magazines and yet all I seem to wear are jeans and t shirts

2. I love Nascar

3. I sleep with the television on

4. I love to read romance/mystery books

5. I live in Rhode Island, but I would love to live in the south, near the ocean.

6. I am very unorganized and see no change in that, no matter how hard I try

7. I would love to own a coffee shop/ consignment store. Where creative people could sell there creations.


  1. I used to sleep with the TV on too....but when we moved to WA hubby said no tv in our now I fall asleep on the couch and then drag myself up to bed!

  2. My daughter has more common with you than me...she also sleep with tv on,love the Nascar,wears jean/t-shirt,love the beach. I do the same except no tv....Lol. Sometime I wear t-shir/bluejean....I am not to crazy wearing t-shirt because it shows my roll...Lol If I keep up my excising/watch what I eat...I will be more comfortable to wear t-shirt..Lol We are all Nascar Fan!! I would be glad if you can move down here...we are close to MS,AL,and FL beaches within 3 hrs. You would love the southern hopitality....Ya'll come back now!! LOL You have a great day!! Kathy

  3. I use the TV to fall asleep, HGTV to be exact. I used to read myself to sleep but that puts me out too fast fast that I don't get any actual reading done.

    Owning a shop would be fun. Let me know when you open it so that I can visit!

  4. So much fun getting to know a little more about you! How great it would be to have that kind of shop!

  5. I think you should definitely go for that coffee/consignment shop!! I'm sure you would do a fantastic job! Owning your own business is a tremendous pleasure - but a great deal of work - believe me, I know. But I have to say, if it is something you love - you never, ever dread going to work each day. What a blessing that is!!! Have a blessed weekend! Cathy

  6. Its nice to know more about you. I've dreamed of a coffee shop where creative people gather. Maybe in my third life.

  7. Your quirks are so sweet! I'm laughing at number 1....because I can relate....the tv quirk is puzzling..doesn't the sound keep you up? Or do you "mute" it....

  8. It is strange, but I do not mute the sound. I can not fall asleep when it is quiet. My husband thankfully is the same way.
