Monday, May 12, 2008

The to-do List

My daughter gave me a to-do list notepad for my birthday. I have mentioned that I tend to have a small attention span for anything to do with housework. I have a feeling I am not in the minority here. I can sit and cut and paste paper for hours. The sewing machine can also amuse me from sun up to sun down. I have things that need to be done which I do not consider to be to much fun. Cleaning the basement, the pantry, sorting out old clothes and just general spring cleaning. The to-do list has a few entries for today. The first is a trip to my daughter's college for books for summer classes and the dreaded cleaning of the basement. No paper crafts today.


  1. Just what you needed!!! How was you mothers day with the girls home? Any progress wit ETSY? Hope you are having a blast cleaning the beasement, who knows what you will find. Talk to you later.


  2. I am sitting here reading your blog thinking I should be finishing up a painting job I started and 5 other

    Hope you have a successful "to-do" day.

  3. Hey Denise, I'm with you when it comes to cleaning, My excuse is that I have better things to do. When I make a to-do list I forget where I put the list. I've been watching for your etsy, I bet it will be beautiful. Hugs, RoseMarie

  4. If only I would do what is on the to-do list! Good luck to you!

  5. Interesting comment you made on my blog, as to the Harrison Ford movies you like. YEs, I like those two; he was also really good in Witness, Frantic, and Working Girl.

  6. Have you ever done decoupage? I used to do that alot when my daughter was small...I found it very relaxing to sit and cut the decoupage matter how intricate and detailed they were...

    Tonight I simply *had* to mop the floor...on account of the know.....I mopped the entire downstairs twice--first with Murphy's oil, and then water and bleach solution. Not my idea of fun.

  7. I make to do lists, then don't look at I'm glad you are so motivated to get the cleaning done - tomorrow, you can sew all day.

  8. Oh! i want one, too!
    It's so pretty AND functional!

  9. That is a neat little note pads~~~to-do lists. I hope you got your to-do list done. Thanks for visiting my blog....I hope you can find the time to look at the Uppercase Living. But first get your To-do lists done. LOL You have a great day. Kat

  10. Thank you Denise! You are so...sweet. I'm sure Rose and Pam will appreciate your thoughtfulness and Prayers. Thank again! Love your blog too!

  11. I like those yellow clips..I've never seen them in any other colour than black.

    It reminds me of the first time I saw coloured paper, so impressive.....and too nice to give away to anyone!

  12. The yellow clips were part of a birthday gift from my niece Stacy. They are very cute.

  13. Love your blog and I am adding your link to my favorite blogs. I mad myself a Project Journal to keep track of my to do list. Somehow it makes it more fun. Stop by and visit me sometime! hugs, Linda
