Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Is it hot or is it just Me?

I guess it is official, it is hot! Sure, the weatherman gets it right this time. I hope everyone is finding ways to stay cool. Our air conditioner and ceiling fans have been running almost non stop since Saturday. I have been drinking lots of water and by the way so have my plants. I have been watering in the morning and evening. I even moved them to shady areas on the deck. I hope they all make it.

When I went to get the paper today I bought two ice cream treats. I do not remember the last time I hand picked ice cream treats right from the store freezer. The kind of freezer that has all the ice cream treats from your childhood priced to sell individually. When I was young we always had the ice cream truck go through our neighborhood during the summer. Can you remember how fast you would run to get that ice cream? My kids never had the ice cream truck make a daily visit to our house. We live in the rural area of town. Do they know what they missed?

In the top left hand corner of the first picture there are two cans of peaches. I was going to make a peach cobbler today but I ate the ice cream treat instead. I will admit I was not disappointed by my choice of treats, it was very good. I want to make the cobbler later this week.


  1. There is nothing like cold ice cream treats on a hot day except maybe sliced watermelon or an icy coke in the bottle. Whatever it takes to stay cool, huh?

  2. Hey Denise,
    I just now be able to get on the computer and it midnight.....I can send you a catalog to your home...and you would not have to stay on the computer to look at the uppercase online. You just take your time...but I want to go ahead to send your 5 sample words in the mail. E-mail me and give me your address so I can send the catalog and the words to you. My e-mail is kingram3159@peoplepc.com I don't blame you about the ice cream to eat and stay cool. I wish I can eat the ice cream...but it out of my calories list. I am doing good with losing my weight but it gonna be a long time...maybe a year to reach my gosl. I have lost 6 1/2 pds. in 5 weeks....it slow but a least I'm losing instead of gaining. Stay cool and relax. Have a great day!

  3. Yummy.........There was a ice cream truck in my neighborhood when I was little but my kids don'y even know what one is. We to live in a rural area, so no ice cream man here......That Strawberry Shortcake looks or should I say looked yummy?

  4. Yum!! It does not get any better than ice cream on a stick in the summertime!!
    I love your centerpiece below. The paint job on it is too cute!!

  5. We still get the ice cream truck! Only the tune has changed....

    Yes, we ran so fast....but it went so slowly, I don't think we ever missed it, but I do recall the panic as my mom doled out the change from her wallet, and we would be crying "hurry! hurry!"


    I love those strawberry icecream treats...its been years!

    Forget the baking for now...in this heat, who wants to turn on the oven?

    Hope you continue to feel cool...whatever it takes, I think you have the right idea so far!

  6. Nope, it's not just you -- it. is.. HOT!
    That ice cream sure looks good!

    Our children had their first chance at an ice cream truck when we moved here, but then it became just too prohibitive to buy anything because of the costs.
    They're not running this year, I'm guessing because of the gas? But I don't know??? It was fun while it lasted, though!


  7. I do remember my Mom always having to look for change. But when you heard that bell ringing we all ran home. I am sure we did not get ice cream everyday. I am not sure if they even have ice cream trucks in my town. I now think that a coffee/donut truck would be nice. I am coming up with a few ideas for that. Not that I want to run one, I want it delivered to me.

  8. Oh yes, Ice Cream was the BEST choice! I remember ice cream trucks...When I visited my Grandma in the city. I grew up in the country...

    We are getting a little cooler weather the rest of the week...yeah!
