Saturday, June 28, 2008

Last Trip

I want to share a picture of my last trip to the local garden shop. I have promised myself that this will be my final, last, never going back trip. If there is a half off sale I will be tempted, I just have to be strong. Everything from this trip has been potted or planted in the ground except for the lovely pink flowers in the front. By the way Mary loved her wreath!


  1. Your yard must be a beautiful haven with all the flowers you have planted and the work you put into it.

    The paper card and wreath you made for your friend's birthday were beautiful too.

  2. They're stunning!
    I wish that I didn't have a "black thumb"!

  3. I find it hard not to bring more lovely plants home....everytime I pass my local nursery my car just turns in!!

  4. Gorgeous plants. Never a waste. You can't help but smile when you see them.... Always worth it for the smile...

  5. Ah, is that mint I spy in the second row?

    A veritable rainbow of colour here....

    Oh yes, you *must* go back to the gardeners if there is a sale (or even if there isn't...tee hee....)

    Shopping for flowers in the spring is as addictive as blogging! tee hee....

  6. I just wanted to keep all the flowers just like they were in the picture. They looked so pretty! That was mint in the second row.
    I am pretty sure I am done buying for the season. Now I just want to sit back and enjoy.
