Sunday, July 6, 2008

The weekend Continues

Still celebrating the 4 th here in Rhode Island, well at least at my house. I am still working on my little pergola project. I took this picture at night, soon I hope to have some pretty lights on the greenery (fake) above the two hanging plants. Off to do a little more celebrating, which usually means eating! Good thing the next major holiday is a few months away!


  1. Glad you are having such a nice long weekend! Your deck looks so pretty.

  2. Your deck does look so pretty. I am quite envious of what you have going on there. I have no green thumb typing here.. Kayce

  3. It looks great---the pergola is custom sized to follow the contours of your house and that looks fantastic. The hanging baskets are doing beautifully...

  4. I love the pergola and the siding on your house. Everything is so pretty. Hugs, Rose
