Tuesday, September 30, 2008
The making of a Halloween Card
Monday, September 29, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Wonderful Weekend
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. I have a little food shopping to do and hopefully a little more card making. I put this little boo decoration together this morning. I still love using pages from old books. It is going to rain here all weekend, so indoor projects are on the menu.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Stamping It Up
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Cards are Everywhere
I have been bitten by the "stamp bug". I stamped quite a few dresses over the weekend and have been slowly putting these cards together. I put a a lot of my papers away so I tried to use the papers I had left on the counter. My buttons are always kept in the kitchen along with my flower punch. I found my jar of glitter and have been experimenting with it.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Fall Colors
Monday, September 22, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Have a Nice Weekend!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Post It
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Fill them up!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Fall Preview
It seems like everyone is getting ready for fall. Here is a peek at what is going on at my house. I think these two scarecrows make a lovely pair. I bought them at Jo Ann's last week. They had quite a few to pick from. I had to put them on the porch last weekend, I am not too sure how they would do in the rain. Can you spoil a scarecrow, or two?
This little basket is out for, I would say it's fifth season. I just added the purple scarecrow to it this year. It just needed a little something new.
My friend Lorraine decorated this chair for me about eight years ago. We saw one like it at Michael's, let's just say the one at Michael's was no way near as full of flowers and pumpkins as this one is. I am surprised that it is still on my porch, a few friends have mentioned how much they love it and it might just end up at their house. I think not!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Working on a New Banner
My daughter and I are working on a new banner for my blog. I am so accustomed to looking at the old one that it is a bit strange to see something new. It is a banner in the making, it is not finished yet. It needs just a few changes. I want to change the side color too. Sundays are all about sports in our house, so it is hard to create, clean , cook (who am I kidding I do not cook!) and keep track of all the scores! So it is a banner in the making, here is where it started on the kitchen counter!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Boo Banner!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tag the Wine Bottle
I was looking through some old magazines and found a few different ideas on how to dress up a wine bottle. I guess the wine bottle bag is always a great idea, but some of the labels are so pretty why cover them? This of course is a Halloween tag, I hope I am invited somewhere so I can bring a bottle of wine! The rooster plate is from a set of four I bought at Homegoods.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Pretty Little Mum
The rain and wind from "Tropical Storm Hanna" were not bad as predicted. However, a few of my Mums had issues dealing with the storm. This pretty little bunch did not fair too well. It does look cute in this mason jar. I put a drop of blue food coloring in the water. I want to remember this for my Thanksgiving table. Off to do a little cleaning!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Tags Tags and More Tags!
I was looking at a few sites today and noticed a lot of round tags. In between watching football games and tennis from New York, I was able to make a few tags. I still like using pages from old books. It is still hard to rip out the pages, but I really like the look. After I finished the tags, I thought they looked a little too clean. I decided to distressed them a bit. Then by accident I distressed one too much. I almost threw it in the trash.
It turned out to be my favorite. Needless to say they all got a little more distressed after that. I am still a bit glitter crazy. I found a cute idea in a magazine this week. I am glad that I can use these tags with the idea. It involves a little bit of candy, what could be wrong about that?
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Witch Tags!
I am reluctantly on board the "Fall Train". I am never prepared for any holiday or celebration. Last minute shopping, wrapping and cooking that is me! I am determined to shed that habit this year. I bought two stamps yesterday along with a few pieces of autumn colored papers. I am ahead of the game so far! I wasn't quite sure about these tags. They just sort of evolved. I like them.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I bought these cute scarecrows today. If I waited until next week to buy them, they would most likely be gone. If I put them away for a few weeks, I would probably forget where I put them. So, here they sit in the geranium pots on my front steps. I will wait until next week to buy fresh pumpkins. I have already bought a few Mums. Fall is on the way and there is nothing I can do to stop it.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Markers and Glitter
This flower is actually more purple than blue.
I am thinking about making a few of these for my own Christmas cards and tags. At the rate I work they will probably be done for 2009.