Monday, September 15, 2008

Fall Preview

It seems like everyone is getting ready for fall. Here is a peek at what is going on at my house. I think these two scarecrows make a lovely pair. I bought them at Jo Ann's last week. They had quite a few to pick from. I had to put them on the porch last weekend, I am not too sure how they would do in the rain. Can you spoil a scarecrow, or two?
This little basket is out for, I would say it's fifth season. I just added the purple scarecrow to it this year. It just needed a little something new.

This little guy is so cute. I just thought he needed a close up. Do you agree?

My friend Lorraine decorated this chair for me about eight years ago. We saw one like it at Michael's, let's just say the one at Michael's was no way near as full of flowers and pumpkins as this one is. I am surprised that it is still on my porch, a few friends have mentioned how much they love it and it might just end up at their house. I think not!

It is really one of my all time favorite decorations. A few pumpkins around it and the porch will almost be ready for fall.


  1. You are preparing very beautiful garments for the fall, here in Brasil we can't barely wait for the spring to came with the refreshing rains!

  2. WOW...I love that chair! Very neat!! I have scarecrows too...I haven't started on the outside of the house just yet...

  3. Hands down...the chair is my favorite! LOVE it. Such pretty color. And yep, by the time you get the pumpkins out...fab!


  4. OMG!!!!!! I am SOOOOOO making one of those chairs. Thank goodness my DH didn't listen to me when I told him to throw out the one I had sitting in the woods waiting for annuals this spring.

    Fall arrangement here I some. Thank you for sharing this lovely with all of us. Just beautiful.


  5. I love your scarecrow theme! They bring such colour and cheer to the garden. The chair is gorgeous too!What a fantastic idea! Thanks for sharing these inspirations!

  6. the scarecrows are fun to see when i come home :)

    pretty blog....

    <3 dani

  7. Looks like you are all ready for the season to change...I know I'm ready for the season to change here...this morning it was 64 degrees when I went out to that's what I'm talking about!

    Your porch is too cute!
