Saturday, September 6, 2008

Witch Tags!

I am reluctantly on board the "Fall Train". I am never prepared for any holiday or celebration. Last minute shopping, wrapping and cooking that is me! I am determined to shed that habit this year. I bought two stamps yesterday along with a few pieces of autumn colored papers. I am ahead of the game so far! I wasn't quite sure about these tags. They just sort of evolved. I like them.

My daughter loves Halloween, so I made her a wristlet. It is just for fun! Everyone should have a little fun!

I used a little glitter on the tags. I like the way it makes the green hair glisten. It is not a very scary witch, just a little disheveled!


  1. You are smart to get a head start. In the last few years I am always late getting everything done. I saw some mums tonight and thought that I am going back soon and buy a couple of pots for myself. I want some lavender ones.

  2. She's not scary at all, but kinda cute! Kinda looks like me in the morning!

  3. The witch tags are so cute! You are so talented!
