Sunday, December 7, 2008

Stepping into Christmas

Saturday, I decided to decorate our mantle. Even though I did want to hold off until I could do everything all at once. I bought a few bunches of Christmas greenery and a garland at Jo Ann's on Friday. Everything was 60% off. I am not that big on Christmas decorating. I hate taking it down later!!! I just put up a few things. I love a nice tree and lots of poinsettias and mini twinkle lights. Oh, snow outside is a must. After Christmas the temperatures can rise into the 80's, but I love a white Christmas.
The little bird stays up all year. He looks happy to have a new resting place.

The glass jars have candles in them. They are light once in a while. They look pretty at night when the lights are low.


  1. The holiday look for your mantel is really pretty. It's funny, I'm taking a short internet break from doing the same thing.

    Have a great Sunday.

  2. You mantel looks so beautiful!

  3. Edit 'your mantel', sorry!

  4. Your mantle looks festive and warm!

  5. WOW! Your mantle is BEAUTIFUL! I love it!

  6. Everything looks soooo beautiful! And I'm like you, I hesitate to put it up....cause I hate to take it down. LOL.

