Monday, March 9, 2009

A room with a View

I took this picture from my daughter's room earlier today. Look through the lace curtain and you can see the snow covered lawn. Luckily the ground was warm from yesterday's 60 degree weather and the snow melted away rather quickly. I have been trying to get her room finished for a few months now. She does not live at home and only uses it when she visits. I made the curtain last week, the fabric is a beautiful satin fabric. I just finished the cushions for her chair today. Now, all I need to do is paint her bureau and buy a shade for the window. She likes to sleep in and there is a lot of sunlight that comes through that window in the morning.
Thanks for visiting!


  1. You are a woman with endless talent! WOW! Just breaktaking!

  2. Looks beautiful...I love a "sun-dappled" room!


  3. The fabric looks sumptuous! She'll love the room.

    I just noticed that you've added your picture to the sidebar. Nice to match a face to a blog!
