Saturday, October 3, 2009

National Card Making Day 2009

It has been a little while since my last post, all is well. I have been doing some redecorating and well, not much else. I could not let National Card Making Day go by without creating at least one card. It is my first Halloween card for 2009. I love the new pad of K&Company fall inspired paper I bought last week. I might not be crafting but I am still buying paper. I have a lot of ideas so maybe I will be blogging more often. I hope so!
Thanks for visiting!


  1. I always enjoy seeing all your creations! I would love to see some pictures of your redecorating projects. Have a wonderful Sunday!


  2. I love the card mom... hooo hooo
    :0) it's incredibly cute

    <3 Danielle

  3. anything can happen on halloweeennn!
    your dog could turn into a cat! meowww
