Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Burlap, who knew?

Sunday night I was looking for decorating ideas online, I came across a few blogs that were loaded with burlap and linen ideas. I must say I really never gave burlap a second thought, I usually pass right by it the fabric store. Okay, I did not even know where to look for burlap at the fabric store. I had to ask where it was.

I had planned to stay home on Monday and concentrate on catching up on my ironing and cleaning the kitchen. But, all I could think about was burlap, I must have burlap! So, off to Jo Ann's I go to get a little burlap.

I made this gift card holder Monday night. I had already planned on making my Christmas wrapping a little rustic this year. By that I mean brown paper wrapping. But, that is for another day. I have already moved onto another little bag. I am now addicted to burlap!
Thanks for visiting!


  1. How very pretty!!! I love it!!! The ribbon is awesome on this bag! You are so talented!

  2. hee hee.....I'm thinking about skirting my hutch with it. Seriously. I'm just into burlap right now! LOL. Love the way this turned out, too cute!

    yapping cat
