Monday, December 21, 2009

Please, help yourself

Please help yourself to a little chocolate treat, or two. There are chocolate covered Oreos, a few pieces of cranberry pistachio bark and Butterfinger bells. I made this little box of treats for a friend. I made quite a few treats this weekend. A few more assorted cookies and I will be done with all the baking and chocolate covered treats.
Thanks for visiting!


  1. It looks like you were busy this weekend. Did you get a big snow there? I bought everything to make the pistachio bark. Yum...I'm waiting until my kids are here from out of town.

  2. I want to come to your house! Cookies look delectable!

    Susan at Charm of the Carolines

  3. I so wished that you were my neighbor! These look so GOOD!
    WOW! What a lucky friend you have!!!

    Merry Christmas!!!

  4. They're just too pretty to eat!
    Merry Christmas,
