Monday, March 8, 2010

Green Crafting

Last week I bought a magazine about green crafting. The magazine has so many ideas about what they call repurposing items. I guess repurposing is the new trash to tresure. The magazine has inspired me to make a few things. This is my first finished project.

It all started with a Starbucks hot coffee cupholder. Crafter, Linda Manning Findley thought of a way to make a Christmas tag from the holder. I would of never thought of making a tag like this, I am glad she did! It was a nice project for a snowy afternoon last week.

I covered the holder with a newspaper print paper and distressed the edges.

Then, I added a pink cut out flower and a few leaves.

Next, the tag needed a brown satin ribbon tie and a little purple and yellow trim. I added a cute saying, " Make the most of everyday". I have already collected a few more holders to recover or should I say repurpose. The only thing pink about the tag is the flower, I wish I could of taken a better picture. Note to self, work on photography skills!

Thanks for visiting!


  1. What a great tag! One question, how do you distress the edges? I really like that look :)

  2. Great recycling idea. Starbucks cup holders are so sturdy they would make a great base for all kinds of stuff.

  3. I love this! I have been wanting to try repurposing!

    Thank you for passing the pretty pot on. That was very sweet of you! Such a kind heart!

    Have a great day!

  4. I like it very much! Pretty colors & recycled too, neat!


  5. Beautiful! Sounds like a good excuse to stop for a latta! haha!
