Friday, May 7, 2010

They shall remain nameless

On my last visit to the garden shop, I found these pretty purple and peach annuals. I thought they were a bargain, $1.25 a piece. When I got them home and looked for the name of the plant, I was disappointed to see that it was no where to be found. I know they need a good amount of sunshine but I would like to know their name. I also bought six new clay pots at $1.00 a piece. If my math is correct this little arrangement cost $ 13.50.

I love this color, a very soft shade of peach. I usually buy purple, yellow and red flowers.
But, these were just too pretty not to take home. I like how they look on the white iron table.

I am thinking about painting the pots white and then distressing them a bit. But for now, I like the way they look. In other words, I do not feel like painting today.
Thanks for visiting!


  1. Oh my goodness...the name is on the tip of my tongue. I love these and they sell them at our nursery. I will check this weekend for you. They are some sort of old fashioned annual. I wish I could get the name out of my brain! I will check, though. Beautiful photo!

  2. The flowers are called Vintage Stock. I went and bought 1/2 my flowers for the front yard and all the veg. plants for the garden. Enjoy your's going to storm again later this evening.

    Happy Mother's Day!!!

  3. Hi Denise, Happy Birthday to you!!!!! Doing anything special? The plants are beautiful. Wanna come do my yard????

  4. OOOOOps that was from me...............Stacy!!

  5. Until just a few days ago I had the same problem. Last year I planted a package of wildflower seeds. This spring a bunch of stuff came up. A couple of plants have huge leaves. I had no idea what it was until recently when it began blooming. It's hollyhock. I've never grown it before so I didn't recognize it. I'm going to take some photos soon and I'll post them. Enjoy your stock. It is very pretty.

  6. They are called "stocks" and don't they smell wonderful! I love the smell - somehow it takes me back to my childhood...

  7. Yes, I was going to say "Stocks" too. They are probably one of my favorites, especially the white color, because of the smell! They are fantastic. One of my favorite summer time treats, how wonderful to find little pots of them.

    yapping cat
