Sunday, August 8, 2010

My creativity has a sweet tooth!

I bought a new cake decorating kit a few months ago, I think it was in the winter. I just started using it last week. It had been years since I had used a kit like this and it was fun. I have made more cupcakes this week than I really needed to, but no one seems to be complaining.

Cupcakes have really made a big comeback in the last few years! I am going to make a few cupcakes to keep in the freezer and then see if I can find a recipe for just enough frosting for one cupcake. That way I can take one out of the freezer and frost it whenever I need a little treat!

I have already decided I would like to try and make sunflower cupcakes. I saw a few at our local market and they were so pretty. I hope to make them sometime soon.

Thanks for visiting!


  1. They're really cute! I bet they're yummy too!

  2. My mouth is watering! Great job on decorating the cupcakes.


  3. My goodness, another talent you have! They look perfect! I use to do those stars on b-day cakes for my kids, but they never looked that good! :-)

  4. I love the white on white icing. They are really pretty.
