Saturday, September 11, 2010

Green is Good!

I am still "green crafting". This is a rather cute round gift box!

I wish I had all the oatmeal containers I have thrown away over the years! I am seeing a lot of oatmeal cookies in my future! I also have a new muffin recipe book that has a nice apple/oatmeal recipe in it. I should have extra containers in no time!

I added a wire holder and simple torn pieces of cotton fabric.

Just a little tag. Now, all it needs is a gift! I am thinking oatmeal cookies!
I should take a minute to remember 9/11/2oo1. I will never forget that morning and the events of that day.

Thanks for visiting!


  1. I just glanced at your profile.."I hope I will still be blogging and crafting in Nov 2010"... I don't think there is any doubt about that! :-)

  2. now this idea, i love! i like to bake and share cookies at christmas too.... wonderful!

  3. looks great mom :0)


  4. Its so fun when you can re purpose an item like that. I love it. What a fun way to wrap things for Christmas!

