Monday, November 8, 2010


This is what I woke up to this morning! Really? Snow on November 8th, is this really necessary? It did make me look for a box of unfinished wood ornaments I have been wanting to decorate for Christmas.

I must admit I did find the box very quickly.

I know owls are not the first thing you think about when you think Christmas, but what the heck. It was 8:00 in the morning and I did use Christmas colors.

This is the finished ornament. You can put a picture in the middle. I now know it can use a little white glitter to make it more festive! I will do that right now. I wonder who will end up being in the middle of the ornament?

Thanks for visiting!
And get those snow shovels out for the season!


  1. Denise, I can't believe you have snow! It just got chilly here last week. Have fun making your ornaments today. You're making me want to go find the wooden nutcracker ornament set I bought a few years ago. They still need painting.

  2. Oh Denise! NOT SNOW! I'm sorry Old Man Winter visited you so early! I am dreading the white stuff!

    Your owl frame is adorable! I think he's really cute and he can stay out all winter long!

    Hope your day improves and the snow melts away!

  3. Oh my! I guess that was a surprise! They keep telling us it is going to dip down to freezing overnight, but it hasn't happened yet. I hope the early snow doesn't mean a hard winter for you. Glad you had something to keep you busy....cute ornament!
