We put our Christmas tree in the living room. It looks pretty there. I love looking at the tree at night when I am watching television. But, I spend most of my day on the other side of the house. I wanted to put a small tree in the dining room where I could look at it all day. I have seen quite a few small trees at the supermarkets. They were about $20.00. I was already to buy one when I thought I would take a look outside in the yard to see if I could find one there. I found this cute little tree. I did feel a little sad about cutting it, but I wanted it! I placed a few packages around it (I am going to move the larger ones, it is looking way too cluttered) and saved myself $20.00. The tree needs a little something, maybe a star on the top. I don't think it could support any ornaments. Well, maybe few paper creations.
I am off to do a little shopping.
Thanks for visiting!
When the kids were young and we were poor, we used to travel the back roads and cut our own tree. You should see some of the ones we came home with.
I like your little fellow. I think he needs a star too.
what a cutie! yes to the star!
Have a fruitful shopping trip!!! Your little tree is a cutie! I saw a garland made out of wax paper circles (someone used a circle punch and cut them out). Then glued them to string. That would be cute on your tree, especially if you could find colored wax paper. I see you and your tree with color.
This is a ggreat post
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