We put our Christmas tree in the living room. It looks pretty there. I love looking at the tree at night when I am watching television. But, I spend most of my day on the other side of the house. I wanted to put a small tree in the dining room where I could look at it all day. I have seen quite a few small trees at the supermarkets. They were about $20.00. I was already to buy one when I thought I would take a look outside in the yard to see if I could find one there. I found this cute little tree. I did feel a little sad about cutting it, but I wanted it! I placed a few packages around it (I am going to move the larger ones, it is looking way too cluttered) and saved myself $20.00. The tree needs a little something, maybe a star on the top. I don't think it could support any ornaments. Well, maybe few paper creations.
I am off to do a little shopping.
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