Sunday, December 19, 2010

Please, help yourself

Oh, how many treats can you possibly eat over the holidays? I am not sure. There seems to be homemade goodies everywhere I look. It is Christmas and it's what we do. I love to bake and I am guilty of pushing the treats. I am a treat pusher, arrest me. So, please help yourself to a little treat! Do it, do it now!
Thanks for visiting!


  1. Wish I could....they look yummy! I'm afraid I am a treat pusher, too! I think that is what moms and grandmoms do....guilty as charged!

  2. Oh how I wish I could reach right through the computer monitor! :) I need to get busy and start baking. I am doing a homemade gift for the kids this year so I need to get the goodies made.

    Hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!

    Debbie K

  3. You treat pushed me the moment I woke up! But I dont mind.

    <3 danielle

  4. Oh do those look yummy, Denise!!! I'm a treat pusher too. Although, I've been good this year since we don't know anyone, I haven't baked much. I'm going to get busy today thru Wed. though. Going to take a bunch home, including those home made cinnamon rolls!

    Hope my things look as festive as yours! : )

  5. Yum, yum give me some! Looks so delicious!


  6. I just bagged up the rest of the Oreo Truffles and sent them away with my daughter. The peppermint Oreos were tossed in the trash yesterday...but I'm eating the remainder of the gingersnaps.

    Too many temptations this time of year...too many!
