Friday, February 11, 2011

Little Brown Gift Bags

My husband likes to cook, he is by far the best cook in the house. He usually goes to the grocery store early on Sunday mornings. I never know what he is going to bring home, it's like Christmas when I take the food out of the bags. I will watch him make Sunday dinners and ask him if I could make what he is making. He always looks at me and says, no. They say that the truth hurts, in this case, not so much. I hate to cook. I did mention that he does the grocery shopping. I also hate to go grocery shopping. I do put dinner on the table the rest of the week. In over 25 years of making dinners I do not have one recipe I would share with others. Nothing! I like to craft and bake. Okay, the reason for this post! I have suggested he bring his own bags to the grocery store but he hasn't yet. Until he does we have a lot of brown bags that I use for crafting.

I can only keep so many in the house. I cut off the top part of the bags (I love the handles) and recycle the rest.

I made these little bags over the weekend.

I made a small gift card holder for each bag.
Thanks for visiting!


  1. You are good! Love these, of course! : ) Hope you have a wonderful weekend! My daughter is doing better, thanks!


  2. I need to remember to ask for paper sacks next time I'm at the grocery store. There is so much more that you can do with one of them. Not so much with the plastic bags.

    Your gift bags are totally always!

  3. i like your food mom :0)


  4. So clever! And wonderful that your husband will cook dinner. Mmm. Baking is a nice balance to cooking. You get dinner and desert.
    Enjoy your weekend! ( and dinner)

  5. What cute bags!! I am so like you I love to bake and create!!! I do cook some though when I have to!! LOL You are very talented! Take care, XO Fran.
