Friday, March 18, 2011

(new look handles)
Here's a news flash, it's winter I have spent a lot of time inside. That also means
I want to change everything in sight. That's not happening, but I could change a few things. The room in question right now is the kitchen. Basically, I am happy with it. But, I tend to over crowd the counter with all sorts of things. It has taken me many years to realize this, but less is more. Let me go back to the idea of changing a few things. The door handles are original to the house, we bought them in 1983. I have thought of changing them over the years, but I never got around to it.

Enter this can of spray paint. I have used it on our outdoor furniture. I love the color and the texture, so Tuesday I sprayed two handles to see if I would like them. I love them! Yesterday was a great day to paint the rest of them. I love how the cabinets look. Just a subtle change but I notice it and that is all that matters. Now, if we could get a new faucet!

Thanks for visiting!


  1. The handles look great...I'd love to try out this paint!

  2. Hi! I saw your comment on my "Celebrations and Holidays" blog.

    My blog design is just a template that I got free at Leelou Blogs. Here's the link.

    All you do is download the template you's a text file. When you are in your design/edit template part of your blog, click on Edit Html. Then click on Browse and choose the template you just downloaded and then click upload. It will ask about widgets...KEEP THEM!
    And that's it!

    I felt the same way about my blog to the point that I stopped blogging for awhile. I visited all these pretty blogs and mine just felt like it wasn't good enough. Well you'll find out that most are templates...some people even pay for them to be customized.

  3. Denise, I love visiting your blog. You've got so many wonderful ideas. I want to copy everything and I'm sorry we don't live closer. Love, love, love your blog
