Monday, August 15, 2011


 I bought this metal crown at TJ  Maxx last week.  It was marked down to $10.00.  I was going back  and forth on if I should buy it or not.  I could always return it if I didn't like it, so I bought it.  I tried it in a few places in the house, nothing really appealing to me. I was quite sure it was going back to the store. But, the more I looked at it on this table, the more I liked it.  
I put a small jar candle in the middle, it adds just a little something to it, especially at night.  I think every woman should have a crown! Mine is just a bit tattered and tarnished, just like me.

 Thanks for visiting!

1 comment:

  1. I agree, the candle makes it! Looks pretty on the tray!

    Hope you had a great weekend!

