Thursday, November 3, 2011

 I  put  away the ghost and pumpkin candle jars that I made for Halloween. I was thinking about how I could make a few for Christmas when I came up with this idea. I used beige tissue paper for the base and cut a star out of green and gold tissue paper.  Again it is all mod podged in place, very easy.   I wanted to see how the jar  would look when it was lit. It blends nicely with my fall centerpiece,  I guess it will stay here for the rest of the year.

I made a heart shaped jar as well.  Please remember if you make any of these that you should only burn tea light candles in the jars.   Or better yet as a friend suggested use flame less tea lights. I am using them and at night you can not even tell the difference.  

Thanks for visiting! 

1 comment:

  1. Goodness, you have been busy! I have been sick this week, so I had some catching up to do this morning. Love the match jar idea...really cute and practical!
