Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thumbprint Art

Last year my daughter introduced me to the art of thumb prints.  Why hadn't I heard of this before?  I think it is a kids craft,  but I really like it!   The ideas are endless!  I stumbled across this cute idea on Sunday.
Oh, I found it Pinterest. It was  originally posted on flicka by Cathy Gauburt. I always like to give credit!
I thought I would put  it in my "must make for Christmas" file.  But after I made a few  thumb prints I knew I had to make something.  This is my something,  a Christmas gift tag.  I will be making more  gift cards later  this week.

Just for fun I came up with this zany owl.   He needs some work, but that's alright, my daughter thought he was cute.
 Try this with your kids and grand kids it is fun!

Thanks for visiting!


  1. What a great idea! Love it! :) I just may have to try this one myself!

  2. Cute reindeer! I have been wanting to do some thumbprint art with Ethan. Thanks for the inspiration!

