Sunday, May 16, 2010

How did we end up here?

I think every yard should have a flamingo in it! These two are just wondering how they ended up in Rhode Island? I think they are planning their escape. They have had it here! Flamigos and sunny, southern,warm weather states just go hand in hand. Yet, these cute yard creatures are popping all over Rhode Island.
Have a nice weekend.

Thanks for visiting!


Unknown said...

I want some I love them!


Carol said...

They add a fun touch to a yard! Very retro! There's a company down in Houston that will place dozens of flamingos in a yard to surprise people on their birthday! Now that's FUN! :)


Debbie said...

Your flamingos are so much cuter than those big plastic ones I remember my grandmother having in her yard. Love the flower pots back behind them too!

Hope you have a wonderful week Denise!

Kim's Treasures said...

Too funny! We have flamingos that we place in our yard. One year we had one with the pumpkin patch.

Anonymous said...

Haha funny post! Those darn flamingos!

<3 danielle