I found these unfinished wooden ornaments at Jo Ann's over the Thanksgiving weekend. I papered them up a few nights ago. I have a new rule that I can not sit down and watch television until 8 PM. I will admit that I get a lot done following this new rule!

I made a few of these last year and they looked rather nice on the tree. I put a picture of a family member in the middle. If this were about ten years ago, I would of painted them instead of papering. Painting is great, but it can be messy. Papering is much easier for me. Someone else does all the detailing. Thanks for that.

Thanks for visiting!
Little birdies! You know how I like the birdies. These are great. You make me itch to be able to get down to my craft desk.
The colors are so nice! You are one busy lady!
Hey, I just read your new profile and thought I should tell you what my girlfriend told me the other night. We get together a couple of times a month for supper and crafting. I mentioned that she would like your advent calender. When I said the name of your blog, she said "oh I love her stuff." I thought you might like to know that you have people who enjoy your blog that never post comments.
Hey I just challenged you over on my blog. Check it out.
i already have the no tv till 8pm rule at my place (watch all the tv i want when the kids are in bed!) but should also have that kind of rule for blogging. no blogging till 8pm...wonder if that will work?
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