I hope that you will not mind a few more pictures of my deck. I never usually do anything to this side, but I am on a roll. It is just a small little section, but I love little nooks and crannies. The flag has been there for years, I must say it has done well for all the horrible weather we have in Rhode Island. The flowers are on sale at the local garden shop, I think one more trip and I will be done for the season.

I love the look of white on white. But,the black pot adds that little bit of contrast. I really did not plan any of this, it all just sort of fell together.

The reason it fell together is because my father dropped the table and two chairs off the other day. I am not sure what I did to deserve it, but I love the way it looks, in this usually neglected part of the deck. I did not even see the light from the lamp when I took the picture, but I like the way it looks. Sad thing is that I took the picture at 5:00 in the evening and there was a bit of thunder off in the distance and that put a quick end to all of my outside fun for the day.

How gorgeous, Love the window planter. don't you just love to decorate the outside? Everything always looks so much cleaner and neat. I can see you having morning coffee out on that porch, and inviting Dad to join you. Hugs, RoseMarie
But these are beautiful! Your father must love your deck (and you!).
Truly a stunning addition to your deck, and the lamp in the photo, looks so charming and cosy.
We had thunderstorms rumbling through the day all day yesterday too...
I adore that table and chair set!! How wonderful of your Dad!!
Have a great day!
Aren't those kind of Dad's the best? Mine is like that too. What a perfect little thing for that spot. Very, very cute!
LOVE it! The table and chairs and flowers...just lovely.
Gorgeous isn't the word!!!!! I love the set...........does he have another one????? So shabby. Your lucky that your dad has a good eye for stuff.
I love the nam eof your blog. My sister and I are always talking about how we hoped there was this "picket fence" life out there spmewhere but found that there was life "beyond the picket fence"!
You deck is great and I wish that you had been able to be part of the party. I will probably do it next year again.Hugs, Rhondi
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