Last night I finished the apple thank you cards. My daughter really liked them. She is going to be a teacher, she better get used to apples. I already had a little mess going and the glue gun was hot, why not make something else?

I saved a lot of small boxes from Christmas. I like covering the box tops. They do not take much time to do and I can use my scraps. I was going to stop with just the brown flower but I decided to add a few green leaves. Any way I arranged the leaves, it just did not look all that great. Then I surrounded the entire flower with leaves. If I would of known that it would of looked this cute I would of used a color other than green and made them look like flower pedals. But all in all, not a bad way to spend a Thursday night. Especially since the roads turned really icy last night and there were many accidents in town!

The button in the center of the flower is from this cute little bag. It did not photograph that well but there are a lot of pretty buttons in there. $1.00 that is a bargain! I forgot I had them. I bought the bag at a "barn sale" two years ago. I really liked going, I missed it last year. I am going to make sure I get there this year. It is held on Memorial Day Weekend. That can be a busy weekend for me. Note to self, make the time!

The finished project. I wish all my projects were as easy as this one.
Thanks for visiting!
Super cute box and cards! I love buttons! My daughter is a teacher (subbing now) and she does not like the whole apple thing...I told her she needs to get use to it because one day she will have her own classroom!
Your box is so sweet! Who wouldn't love to get a gift in that box...I'd actually consider the box the gift :)
OK..these are so cute!!!!! And I was thinking the flower would make a cute card as well...and your birds (with crowns of course!) too! Super cute!
yapping cat
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